

Tan simple, tan pequeña y tan poderosa palabra que este día de Acción de Gracias para mí tiene más intensidad que nunca ¡GRACIAS!

Este ha sido un año para nunca olvidar, para agradecer más, de saber quiénes están conmigo, de aprender a volcarme en los corazones que me rodean, de entender quiénes me aman, de sentir amores y desamores, de reconocer pérdidas y sumar almas.

GRACIAS INFINITAS al Gran Arquitecto del Universo que me regaló una nueva oportunidad de vivir, a mi familia, a mis amigos, a todos los que han rezado por mí, pensado en mí, a todos los que me alegran la vida, me enseñan, me extrañan, me aprecian, valoran mi trabajo; incluso agradezco a quienes se les borró mi nombre de su directorio. Soy afortunada y como siempre digo: agradezco lo que tengo y lo que NO TENGO, porque aprendo, valoro, disfruto, deseo y quiero. Y también como siempre digo, recordando una emblemática canción de Violeta Parra: “Gracias a la vida” …. que me ha dado tanto.

Happy Thanksgiving!


A word so simple, so small, and so freaking powerful. This Thanksgiving, this word means more to me than ever "Thanks!"

This year has been an unforgettable one. I am beyond thankful. This year has made me realize who stands by me. It has taught me how to express my feelings to my loved ones. In 2021, it has become clear to me who loves me and has shown me the difference between like and dislike. A year when I have recognized losses and have gained friends.

Infinite thanks to the Great Architect of the Universe who has gifted me a new opportunity to live. To my family, my friends, to all who have been praying for me, have thought about me. To all the people who have made me happy, taught me, missed me, loved me, appreciated my professional work, also those who have erased my name from their directory.

I am very fortunate, and as I always say: I am thankful for everything I have and for everything that I don't, because that way I can learn, value, enjoy, desire, and want things.

Recalling an emblematic song of Violeta Parra: "Gracias a la Vida," "Thanks to Life, which has given me so much."

Happy Thanksgiving!